“Forks Over Knives” – Review


“Forks Over Knives” Claims

“Forks over knives” came to evolve into a way of eating, not really a diet per-se, after the release of a documentary that made many vegan people feel heard and validated while meat eaters were left to roll their eyes and look for justifications of why they still choose to eat meat while facts presented in the documentary were quite convincing.

The name might be a bit confusing, at least it was to me. Forks stands for food while knives stand for medical intervention. The big idea, which now seems to be more and more prevailing over easy fixes, is that we can heal our bodies with food. Food is the medicine.

Documentary, even with sketchy evidence, is really interestingly scripted with many real people stories which obviously is very inspiring to those who seek to achieve highest psychical performance possible.

Producers were obviously people who knew how to monetize on the popularity of the documentary and have found a way to milk the cow by publishing books explaining this way of eating talking about in the book along with recipe books.

Does Forks Over Knives Have Scientific Backing?

There have been numerous studies done proving in part that eating whole, pant based, non-processed foods can have positive effect on one’s health. There has not been a study done providing extended time research on whether plant based eating can replace diary and red meat without the need of supplementation or long term negative side effects.

Is “Forks Over Knives” Diet Effective?

It depends what you are looking for. If you are seeking to detox your body from toxins and heavy metals this could be a good choice to achieve that. On the other hand, if it is weight loss that you are after, this might not necessarily be the answer. As many of you know, to lose weight you have to limit caloric intake, therefore have to stick to caloric restriction rather than just dietary changes.

One thing is worth pointing out is that when our body has gone through detox and junk food has been eliminated, there is less craving for high calorie, sugary and high carb foods. Therefore, weight loss can be a natural side effect of choosing to eat whole, plant based foods.

Plant based diet promoters claim that it can heal most if not all human created medical conditions. Some studies suggest that using plant based diet can be a way to control type II diabetes. [1]

While most reviews found online are positive and give praise to the book some were not so happy.

“As soon as you read through the script for the film, you are immediately given some of the most DISGUSTING recipes known to mankind. There is zero info on transitioning. Nope, that’s in another book. They hash over vitamin B12 and suggest a supplement – whaaaa?? But, I thought you all said we can get EVERYTHING we need from plants?!?! There is barely an explanation on why plant-based oils are forbidden and how to substitute them out, etc. There still seems to be an abundant use of processed foods, like breads, pastas and cereals, and sweeteners. I can get better recipes (and have) off Pinterest. Although who can say no to a kale-lemon sandwich. . . All I can say is FOK off and go to Pinterest for decent recipes and Google for info re: transitioning to a plant-based lifestyle. Good luck on your health journey/saga.”-Stephanie C.

Does “Forks Over Knives” Have Side Effects?

  1. Lack of energy. Eating plant based diet might be surprising how much more, quantity wise, you will need to consume to reach the same caloric number. That could leave you feeling exhausted and tired at first. Once you are able to dial in what your body needs and how much food to consume you should actually feel better and more energetic.
  2. Have to spend time cooking. From first-hand experience I can honestly say that for someone who is constantly on the go, dislikes spending time in the kitchen, plant based diet can be very difficult to sustain. You will have to spend a lot of time figuring out your meal plan and even though meal planning is always important, with this diet it will be key to success. Be ready to spend hours a week just thinking what you will eat next. Granted, there is such a big movement now that grocery stores have a wide variety of foods to choose from but always remember why you chose to do this? Do you want to go from one processed way of eating to the next?
  3. While going through the process of detox your body will make it even harder to resist cravings. Make sure to eat often and be creative including variety of different foods.
  4. To prevent your body in getting deficient in any one of minerals or vitamins it is again important to include variety of foods and preferably track your food intake and even do blood work to ensure you are not lacking anything before suffering from side effects. One of the vital vitamins that vegans lack and cannot be found in plant based eating is B 12.
  5. Problems with digestion. Depending on where you are starting at and how bad or good your diet was prior to getting on plant based eating bandwagon your body might have a hard time adjusting and therefore causing constipation, bloating and, perhaps one of the most uncomfortable side effects, unpleasant gas.
  6. Social Deprivation. It might sound silly but people do not realize how isolating it can feel when you realize that most of your friend’s dietary choices do not align with yours and how difficult it is to socialize while having limited and sometimes bad tasting options to choose from.

Bottom Line

Kudos for considering and exploring a healthier more conscientious and mindful way of eating. Plant based eating comes with its own draw backs but benefits can be extending beyond our limited view. Think sustainability, cruelty free world, less diseases, less time spent at the doctor’s office and lower monthly food bill.

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*Individual results will vary.

Information on this website is not to replace the advise of the doctor, but rather for general education purposes. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease and should not be considered as medical advice. Always consult your doctor before starting any diet or taking any dietary supplements.

Articles, reviews and investigations are our own opinion, and written based on the information publicly available or simply contacting the companies. We try our best to stay up to date with constantly changing information. If you find any information inaccurate, please email us, we’ll verify for accuracy and update it.

  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5466941/
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An award-wining investigative journalist for more 30 years, one of the things I never really wrote about was health, wellness, and fitness. Ironically, I've been overweight my whole life so I know diets. Intimately. And, having been a​n editor and writer for a​ fitness magazine ​recently, I learned a thing or 10. Now, I'm committed to exploring the many weight loss options out there to try to help folks make good choices.